招募家电维修师傅,加盟中国家电维修联盟.金水区派单维修.加盟热线:15899124643 !
高级搜索 标王直达




  • 发布日期:2019-09-01
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 浏览次数10



 via Twitter @globaltimesnews via Twitter @globaltimesnews

  Car Park 1 of #HK International Airport is closed alt=" via Twitter @hkpoliceforce"> via Twitter @hkpoliceforce

  Since 1 PM, a large group of protestors have been gathering around bus stops in the Terminal of the Hong Kong International Airport。

 via Twitter @hkpoliceforce via Twitter @hkpoliceforce

  At around 2 PM, the protests started to charge at water-filled barriers, pointed laser beams at the Airport Authority workers, and blocked roads with trolleys and mills barriers。 They also hurled objects at Police officers and Airport Authority workers。

 via Twitter @hkpoliceforce via Twitter @hkpoliceforce


 via Twitter @hkpoliceforce via Twitter @hkpoliceforce

  The protestors concerned are participating in an unauthorised assembly。 Also, since an injunction is in force, the protestors may be liable to “Contempt of Court”。 The Police warn all protestors to stop their illegal acts and leave immediately。

 via Twitter @hkpoliceforce via Twitter @hkpoliceforce


 via Twitter @globaltimesnews via Twitter @globaltimesnews

  Trains suspended。 Parking lot closed。 Protesters gather at #HK airport despite injunction。 Police have ordered them to disperse。




 via Twitter @globaltimesnews via Twitter @globaltimesnews

  #MTR in #HK issued “the most serious condemnation” over radical protesters‘ vandalizing of railway facilities in several stations alt=" 图 via 范凌志"> 图 via 范凌志

  “What these people are doing have shown to the world what the so-called democracy and liberty are like! They have no thinking, it is worse than taking drugs,” said a taxi driver surnamed Du in Hong Kong, after his income downed 30% in the recent 2 months due to radical protests。


  The traffic jam was caused by some radical protesters who drive the cars>责任编辑:张申

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