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  • 发布日期:2019-10-26
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 浏览次数20

  原标题:中国“窃取”知识产权?事实究竟有多打脸 | 问中国




U.S。 President Donald Trump makes remarks urging the safeguard of intellectual property that is “vital to U.S。‘ security and prosperity” and signs a memorandum>U.S。 President Donald Trump makes remarks urging the safeguard of intellectual property that is “vital to U.S。‘ security and prosperity” and signs a memorandum alt=U.S。 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells Fox News alt=" 5G technology, DJI‘s camera drones, C919 and China’s fastest sky train… China keeps making creative and innovative。 /CGTN Photo"> 5G technology, DJI‘s camera drones, C919 and China’s fastest sky train… China keeps making creative and innovative。 /CGTN Photo

  2017年的艾美奖获奖名单中,除了你熟悉的美剧,还有一家来自中国的年轻企业——大疆。作为无人机行业的领头羊,大疆被授予技术及工程艾美奖(Technology & Engineering Emmy Award)中“用于电视的低延迟遥控机载视频平台”奖项(Low Latency Remote Controlled Airborne Video Platforms forTelevision),以表彰其为美剧中雄伟大气的航拍效果所做出的贡献。


  30日清晨,抢先使用EE公司的5G网络进行英国国内首次新闻直播的BBC记者罗里⋅赛伦-琼斯(Rory Cellan-Jones),在镜头里显得非常激动,“这是一个历史性的时刻,因为我们是通过5G向你们传播画面。”随后他开始左右摇摆,“不知道我晃来晃去画面会怎么样。但我觉得应该是非常清晰的,而且没什么延迟。”

 BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones posts a video addressing the “superfast” Huawei equipment that supported the live broadcast yet to start。 /Gif via BBC BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones posts a video addressing the “superfast” Huawei equipment that supported the live broadcast yet to start。 /Gif via BBC


  With multiple life-changing Chinese technologies introduced to the world, “Created-in-China” has brought “made-in-China” to the next level。

  This year, China moved to the top 14 most-innovative economies from 17 in 2018 in the annual Global Innovation Index (GII), strengthening its position as a leading innovative nation。

  According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, China‘s investment in research and development (R&D) hit 1.97 trillion yuan (about 275 billion U.S。 dollars) in 2018, 138 times the amount in 1991, and second alt=" U.S。 President Donald Trump, holds the signed memorandum directing the U.S。 Trade Representative to start the review of trade issues with China at the White House in Washington, U.S。 August 14, 2017。 / Reuters"> U.S。 President Donald Trump, holds the signed memorandum directing the U.S。 Trade Representative to start the review of trade issues with China at the White House in Washington, U.S。 August 14, 2017。 / Reuters




 President of the Supreme People‘s Court, ZhouQiang unveils the new IPR court> President of the Supreme People‘s Court, ZhouQiang unveils the new IPR court alt= Intellectual property。 /VCG Photo



  The director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Francis Gurry, also saw and appreciated the development of IPR protection in China over the years, referring to China‘s IP efforts as “a truly remarkable story。” 

  “It‘s a policy of judicial and executive administration, developing awareness among the whole population of the importance of knowledge-based enterprises,” he highlighted in an interview with CGTN in April 2019。

 WIPO head: China‘s IP efforts a ’remarkable story‘。 /CGTN Photo WIPO head: China‘s IP efforts a ’remarkable story‘。 /CGTN Photo

  Meanwhile, U.S。‘ allegations of IP theft are proving to be a kind of unfair trade practice in the name of intellectual property protection against developing countries, said Dr。 Sun Yang, associate professor from China University of Political Science and Law。 “They use the intellectual property protection as an excuse and tool。 So it’s kind of manipulation,” said Sun。

  And the start of a trade war, according to Sun, would not be beneficial to resolve the tension or conflict alt=" A photo of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court。 /VCG Photo"> A photo of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court。 /VCG Photo

  With legislative efforts, new judicial protection measures, and educational research programs, China is stepping up its effort in enforcing IP protection slowly but surely, so the country will see growing innovation and economic growth。 And this change has been appreciated by more and more countries。








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