招募家电维修师傅,加盟中国家电维修联盟.吉林派单维修.加盟热线:15899124643 !
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  • 发布日期:2019-09-16
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 浏览次数9

  原标题:中国在人工智能全球竞争中占据优势 | 中国为什么能





  AI research is increasingly gaining traction in a growing number of countries because AI is thought to be the foundation of next generation technology。 A lot of hinges src="http://n.sinaimg.cn/translate/694/w977h517/20190915/e644-iepyyhk0813057.jpg" alt="">



  Thirty-two percent of the Chinese firms have successfully adopted Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their business process, followed by the United States (22 percent) and the European union (estimated 18 percent), according to a 2019 report from U.S。-based think tank Center for Data Innovation (CDI)。China‘s AI market will reach 11.9 billion U.S。 dollars by 2023, up from 1.76 billion U.S。 dollars in 2018, according to IDC’s latest report in May。


  2017年,中国政府在 《新一代人工智能发展规划》中提出,到2030年,中国的人工智能理论技术与应用总体将达到世界领先水平,中国将成为世界主要人工智能创新中心。2019年中国《政府工作报告》提出,要打造工业物联网平台,为制造业转型升级赋能。工业物联网通过智能机器间的连接,把人、数据和机器连接起来,让世界更快速、更安全、更清洁且更经济。 


  China‘s strategy for the cutting-edge technologies was set several years ago under the framework of the “13th Five-Year Plan” (2016-2020) and “Made in China 2025,” two state-level initiatives supporting the country’s technology innovation。

  After losing the battleground in the 1G and 2G eras, playing catch-up in 3G and 4G mobile technologies, China has been invested in the development of the 5G network to be a leading innovator.In 2013 when the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), along with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, jointly founded the IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group, companies, telecom operators and tech researchers teamed up with peers from the U.S。, Europe, Japan, and South Korea to push forward the formulation of a global unified 5G standard。

  In 2017, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang highlighted 5G as src="http://n.sinaimg.cn/translate/763/w1080h483/20190915/d780-iepyyhk0813251.jpg" alt="">


  China has already invested over 100 billion U.S。 dollars in 4G from 2013 to 2018, according to Goldman Sachs, and is expected to invest another 150 billion U.S。 dollars in its 5G network through 2025.The domestic AI industry has attracted 60 percent of all global investment from 2013 to the first quarter of 2018, a report from Tsinghua University shows。 In addition, the MIIT plans to allocate 950 million U.S。 dollars annually to fund strategic AI projects.But from a comprehensive perspective, China still lags behind in terms of AI basic research, talent pool and hardware development – though this is set to change。



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